Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Genre Research | Spy And Thriller

Spy movies often times have close-ups, extreme close-ups, and over the shoulder shots. In spy films, there is background music that fits spy movies specifically well. Movies such as James Bond or even The Incredibles they have music that fits a sneaky kind of feel. Typically in spy movies, the main cast is wearing an all-black outfit to fit in with the surroundings. The lighting for spy movies varies as some scenes may be bright and others may be dark, but not too dark to see. Like when a character sneaks into the typical all-white room compared to the back alleyway that usually is dark. Spy movies have their star actors such as Tom Cruise or Jason Statham. Spy films do have their usual props such as the detonation control, or the spy car. There have been multiple spy movies that have a character sneaking into an all-white room from the roof with lasers that they have to avoid. There's also the usual headquarters that the main cast uses. The most popular spy movies are the James Bond or Tom Cruise movies. And for children, the most known spy movies are the Spy Kids trilogy and The Incredibles trilogy.

In horror movies, the camera angles are usually low angle shots, tilted angle, close-ups, panning or tracking,  and bird's eye view/high angle. Sometimes the horror movie may include a handheld camera scene to increase realism. Horror movies have a recognizable sound. To make the movie scary and creepy they often have a child screaming in the background. There's also always eerie music that would send shivers down the audience's body. The clothing in horror movies are usually just ordinary clothes expect the characters that are kidnapping or killing the main cast, they often wear a scary hockey mask or have blood on their clothing. Horror film majority of the time is shot in a dark setting so there's just enough lighting for the audience to see what's going on. The makeup in horror films mostly consistent with fake blood on some parts of the character's body. The props used are usually knives of some sort or maybe a handgun. The setting of a horror movie would most likely take place in a house or different locations in a town. 



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