Throughout this whole process I haven't been on the social media accounts much. There's so much to do but I just need to find time to actually do it. Although I'm not sure exactly what to post. While filming I didn't think much about behind the scene videos and pictures. And when we recorded we deleted most of the clips that weren't recorded right. So I don't have content to post on the social medias currently but hopefully that'll change. Or maybe I might have a different idea on what to post. On twitter I also haven't been active. After putting on the final touches to my film I going to begin to post things. Although I'm not sure what exactly I should post.
The website hasn't been updated since I created it too. There's going to be a lot of stuff to add. I actually don't remember what needs to be done. Although it's been a long time so I'm sure there's things I could add. I am nervous about how people will receive my film. Or even what I'll say about it on social media. I'm aware it's my journey and my production but that's exactly what makes it nerve-racking. I shouldn't feel bad with what I'm putting out though. I'm putting a lot of time and effort into the entire film process so I know it's going to be good. I simply need to start uploading and showing the process of everything on my social medias.